Friday, June 12, 2009

Sweet summer

It's June and somewhere on the other side of the world, it's Summer. S'pore's not spared for the sun is out and the heat is on, contributing to the surrealism that summer has arrived in the non-seasonal S'pore.

Hence, I'm wearing the Miami GLOW by J LO. I must say ... I think it smells kinda fruity just like sweet summer. Love this perfume along with the rest that was given as a gift from Gail.

Now, it's the 9th(?), 10th(?) week of internship. Last Sunday, I shot the Manja Foodfair 2009 by myself (my boss wasn't there at all). I screwed the white balance and audio. I think I at least have some knowledge of what I should be shooting for such events now. Amazing thing was that I went without food since the morning till evening (having only ate breakfast before shooting). And, then, when I was back in the office on the Monday morning, I got hungry real fast when I hadn't even been doing work. It's like work is the food for the stomach now.

Right now, I'm working on the FHM July Issue 09 TVC with the help of my boss. For two days in a row (today's the 2nd day), I've been seeing frontal, frontal and more frontal ... boobies, boobies and more boobies and lastly, lingeries, lingeries and more lingeries.

I've foolishly keyframed and cropped the images on every single frame, thinking that they must be within the border limits; only to find out that I don't need to do that. My boss pointed out that foolishness and judging from his amused reaction, I think he probably thought I was kinda silly at that time to do that. (At least, I discovered the use of the crop tool on the side toolbar) All the while, I could have spend the time making the TVC as sexy and teasing as can be for the alpha male population.

It's Friday now. Sunday's gonna be Father's Day and my folks are gonna go on the Flyer that day, in which following after that, we're having dinner at n.y.d.c. Yum. And, on Monday, I gotta get back to work on making a 3 min highlight outta Manja Foodfair '09. Jeez ... I can't stand being in the office as much as I'm rather high-spirited and in a well mood during this internship. I'm dying to get out everyday. Hope more events come up so I can get to do some shooting and get more practice on my camerawork skills.

Meanwhile, it's great to hear that Misha Collins has a great sense of humour on the topic of Supernatural slash. I've been watching his panel in the several Supernatural Conventions on Youtube, along with his role in the movie, Karla. And, I'm safe to say that I'm officially a MISHA MINION!! (among the many thousand minions on Twitter) now. ^.^

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