Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Move

Just wanna say I've moved. Any blog posts or my life status as of any point in time will be all posted in my LJ site or dA site. LJ = LiveJournal. dA = deviantArt.

If anyone wants to view, as said on my friend's dA page - "ask and 'ye may get"; but at this point I doubt anyone will do so *shrugs*

People say family's the most important in the world but right now, I'm thinking money is at the same level as the universal belief on family. But I guess he won't understand my reason, right? *shrugs*

Though Val won't be reading this 'cos I post my entries elsewhere but just would like to say to her->

Poor Val. She's been in some shit lately. Me too. I'm not in deep shit but I have lots of things weighing on my mind.

I'd like to thank her. Thank you for your support, epic rants, hearing me out and never leaving me alone for too long, texting me right from NZ (even in the middle of the night at one time). :D

I'd be there for you when you need me - and you're the first person I've ever and maybe the only person in my life at this point I would say to. And, I cross my fingers we'll meet one day, soul-sibling (I guess I'm adapting to your theory afterall :p)

Plus, less than 30 days until Sep 10, premiere of Supernatural Season 4 with their awesome brothers and growling rebel angel. I could just scream. >.<