Thursday, May 7, 2009

FHM GND June Issue' 09 TVC

Finally, I'm really doing work at my internship company. Today, I spent the entire day editing and doing effects for FHM GND June Issue' 09 TVC. I had to complete by today, so as I've heard from my boss.

Nearing the completion of the editing, my boss helped me with some editing work and suggested better ways to make the TVC funky and informative. It was my first time using Mac Finalcut to do my first-time editing work and even using it for some simple effects. By the time it's rendered out to be send to mediacorp publishing department for review and clearance, I was really shagged. I even ate only less than half of the sambal fried rice my colleague helped me to buy back.

And, to my bewilderment, I was informed later that more time was given. Yeah ... I felt like I rushed for nothing and really wondered if the work I did on the TVC was good enough. However, it's still good because that would mean that I've completed at least the basis of the work. Now, I just have to adjust and makes changes to the TVC sequence according to the comments or suggestion after the draft TVC has been reviewed.

Although it was tiring and heart-pounding-cum-rushing, it was quite an achievement for someone like me, a first-timer in video editing. The feeling of satisfactory is what makes the work worth it. =D

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